The Special Needs Fund
This fund will help avert crises in a family that might lead to child abuse or neglect in the case of at-risk families. A small donation, up to $200, may be used for transportation to a social service or medical appointment, a double stroller, a safe crib, diapers, a weighted blanket for an autistic child, a breast pump, or other emergency supplies that can keep the family out of crisis.
Baby Bag Fund
CAPC’s Baby Bags are provided to new parents just as they are just beginning to parent. A small donation of $5 will by one baby bag, $50 will by 10 baby bags. According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, “by working with new parents or parents of very young children, programs can address potential problems early on and ensure more positive outcomes later in life.” Preventing child abuse at this stage affects the child’s entire life and can fundamentally alter generational patterns of parenting.
Nurturing Parenting Program Fund
This program strengthens families by emphasizing the importance of raising children in warm, nurturing and trusting non-violent households. $2000 provides one family with a 6 months nurturing parenting classes and support. The family-centered, trauma-informed curriculum is designed to build nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to abusive and neglectful parenting and childrearing practices. The curriculum helps parents examine their personal attitudes about child development and guides them to new positive parenting skills. The long-term goals of the program are to increase self-sufficiency and help stop the predictable outcomes of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) by ending abuse and neglect, preventing recidivism in families receiving social services, lowering the rate of multi-parent teenage pregnancies, reducing the rate of juvenile delinquency and alcohol abuse, and stopping the inter-generational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors.